Unforgettable Team Events - Without the Stress!

At Celbretti, we believe that the best team events have a creative idea at their core and are brought to life by locations, caterers, and entertainers who love what they do.

But organizing these kinds of events is stressful. It takes time to land an idea, find the right partners, and bring everyone together. 

Our mission is to help you experience more unforgettable team events by taking away the stressful parts. We drive the ideation, the partner and location scouting, and all the coordination so that you can enjoy the celebration as much as your team!

Meet our Founder

When Rachel Wright started down the entrepreneurial path in 2019,  she wasn’t exactly sure what Celbretti would be. "I knew that I wanted to help people experience more moments of celebration and used Design Thinking to explore different problems and solutions." 

Of course in 2020, one very large problem for celebrations emerged: the pandemic. "We saw that people were looking for a creative way to celebrate outside and launched a curated picnic service. It took off and we were able to use it to get to know our customers better and discover how we provide value. I noticed that we were getting a lot of team event bookings from international tech scale-ups.  Having come from this world, it felt like a great fit - for the customer and the business!"

In 2023 Rachel pivoted Celbretti to support teams all year round by connecting teams to great ideas and handling all the event coordination. "It's beautiful to see an event come to life and to help the folks in Office Management and HR  enjoy the events themselves."